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Economy & Growth, Franklin & Eleanor | Roosevelt Institute

Great Depression, Great Recession

 By Roosevelt Institute | 09.15.10


All the evidence points to one simple fact: the economy would have sunk without the New Deal.

In these troubled economic times, passionate discussions often center on the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal. Did FDR and his train of government agencies deal a good hand to millions of Americans?

They did. Roosevelt used the government to provide relief, recovery from the Depression and reform of the economic system. Americans’ quality of life improved.

The New Deal brought relief to most Americans. Voters responded by electing FDR to an unprecedented four terms in good part because of his popular programs to help “the Forgotten Man.” No amount of conservative spin or revisionist history can change this fact. In the 1936 election, FDR carried 46 of the 48 states…read more at source


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